Joe Allegro has over 37 years of experience in the design / construction industry, with the bulk of the work on heavy transportation projects. He spent twenty years working for the Commonwealth of Massachusetts – the bulk of which was spent on the Central Artery/Tunnel (“Big Dig” Project), completing this service as Director of Construction. He then spent four years working for a private design consultant, where he led their national CEI services. Currently, as Allegro Construction Services (as a sole proprietor) for the last sixteen years, providing construction management and independent oversight services to state transportation agencies. In addition, he provides dispute resolution services, including service on several DRBs. He is a member of the Dispute Resolution Board Foundation and serves on the Annual Conference Planning Committee. |
Murray Armes is the founder of Sense Studio, a leading firm of architects, specialising in global dispute avoidance and resolution for construction projects. Murray has over 35 years’ experience in the industry working on many types of construction projects in the UK and around the world. He is a Chartered Arbitrator, Accredited Adjudicator and Mediator, Dispute Board Member and included on the FIDIC President’s List of international adjudicators. He is also a Past President of the Board of Directors for Region 2 of the DRBF. Having been instructed in over 300 cases as expert in the UK, Europe, Africa and the Middle East, he has been appointed as adjudicator in about 60 cases for disputes concerning design methodology, building defects and failures, valuations and payments, water ingress, planning, practical completion, quality issues, variations, design issues, professional negligence, sustainability and delays as well as arbitrator in about 30 cases. He is also appointed to the Dispute Board for the ITER Prototype Fusion Energy Project in France, which is the world’s largest energy project and also to the Adjudication Panel for the new High Luminosity Project at CERN in Switzerland and for a large nuclear project in Scandinavia. Murray is a published author and regular speaker at international conferences on DBs, he is a Fellow of the Chartered Institute of Arbitrators (since 2007) and is on various panels with the RIBA, CIArb, RICS, FIDIC, ICC, IDRS, and CEDR. |
Júlio César Bueno has national and international experience focusing on the practice of construction law and engineering contracts, project finance and public procurement, as well as on arbitration and mediation proceedings, and dispute boards. He is the president of the Brazilian Society of Construction Law, and past president of Region 2 of the Dispute Resolution Board Foundation. He holds a master’s degree from the University of Cambridge (LLM, 1995) and a doctorate from the University of São Paulo Law School (PhD, 2001). He is a founder fellow of the International Academy of Construction Lawyers and officer of the Latin American & Caribbean Users’ Council for the London Court of International Arbitration. Júlio currently serves as the DRBF Executive Board President. |
James Burnley focuses his practice on government relations and regulatory and
legislative affairs, with a concentration in transportation matters. Jim served as the U.S. secretary of transportation from 1987 to 1989 and is one of the nation's foremost authorities on transportation law and policy. He also served as deputy secretary of transportation from 1983 to 1987 and was general counsel of the Department in 1983. Prior to his years with the USDOT, Jim served as associate deputy attorney general for the Justice Department and as director of the VISTA Program in the early 1980s.
Dr. Gerrard P. Bushell since 2019 has been the Chair of CAG Holdings, a dedicated investment company for airport infrastructure for The Carlyle Group. Dr. Bushell was most recently President and CEO of The New Terminal One (NTO) at New York John F. Kennedy Airport, leading the country’s largest public-private partnership from August 2019 to April 2024. Dr. Bushell served as Executive Chair, and Chairman & CEO, when Carlyle was lead shareholder, and President & CEO when Ferrovial became lead shareholder in 2022. The nation’s largest single-asset project financing at $9.5 billion, NTO is a consortium of investors, Ferrovial, JLC, Ullico, and Carlyle, investing $2.4 billion of private capital in partnership with The Port Authority of New York and New Jersey to develop, construct and operate a world-class international airport terminal. Dr. Bushell successfully led the project to lease and financial close and through design and construction, despite a global pandemic that significantly impacted international travel. NTO issued $2 billion in green bonds in December 2023 and achieved the critical construction milestone of topping off steel in March 2024. Under Dr. Bushell’s leadership, the vision, foundation, scope, and ambition of the project was framed and woven around the commitments to deliver a top 5 world-class international terminal, and drive community, workforce, and minority & women-owned business enterprise (MWBE) goals for Southeast Queens, Queens, and New York. At the end of Dr. Bushell’s tenure at NTO, the project had delivered more than $1 billion in awards to MWBE firms, $500 million in awards to local firms, and was on pace to deliver 40% local participation for jobs, and beyond 30% for MWBE participation. Dr. Bushell effectively executed the business plan, built out the management team, and selected institutional partners critical to delivery of the design, construction, and operations. Under his leadership, the successful negotiation and close-out of major milestone agreements de-risked the project. These are: securing project labor and alternative dispute resolution agreements with Building Trades, successful negotiation of a guaranteed maximum price of $3.9 billion for construction costs transferring risk to the design-builder, attaining investment grade credit ratings, securing a lease extension to 2060, reaching a 10-year innovative master concessionaire retail agreement with URW, and securing agreements with anchor airlines to support revenue and passenger goals for future traffic. Before NTO, Dr. Bushell served as President & CEO of DASNY between 2015 and 2019. During these years, DASNY consistently attained the rank of the nation’s top issuer of infrastructure financing, and infrastructure development. During his tenure, DASNY executed beyond NYS’s MWBE goals of 30%, and issued more than $38 billion of municipal debt supporting public and private infrastructure projects across New York State for universities, hospitals, life-sciences, and government. Dr. Bushell came to DASNY as an accomplished investment advisor who raised private and public investment capital and counseled leading institutional investors. He was a Director of Business Development offering investment solutions for BNY Mellon through Alcentra and Insight, Director in the Client Partner Group at KKR, Managing Director at Arden Asset Management, and the Head of Institutional Sales at Clearbridge Investments, formerly Citi Asset management. Dr. Bushell started his career in government and labor serving in senior roles for New York State Comptroller H. Carl McCall, NYC Councilwoman C. Virginia Fields, and the public employees union, District Council 37 of the American Federation State County Municipal Employees (AFSCME). A graduate of Columbia University in both the College and Graduate School of Arts and Sciences, Dr. Bushell holds a B.A., M.A., and PhD. in Urban Political Economy from the Department of Political Sciences where he holds an appointment as an Adjunct Professor teaching state politics and finance.
Yasemin Çetinel is an attorney at law specialized in international investment and commercial arbitration, with a specific focus on settlement of construction disputes. She holds a postgraduate degree in international commercial arbitration from the Queen Mary and Westfield College, University of London. She has been involved in numerous ICSID arbitrations, including representation of Turkish contractors against the Republic of Kyrgyzstan, the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan, the Republic of Georgia, the Republic of Yemen (current mandate) and the Republic of Turkmenistan (current mandate). She has represented contractors of various nationalities against state entities and private entities of states including the Republic of Yemen, Romania and the Russian Federation and the Republic of Azerbaijan (current mandate), at settlement of commercial arbitration disputes. She is the founding partner of Cetinel Law Firm, in Istanbul, Turkey, currently advising Turkish contractors on the disputes arisen out of the unrest in Libya, besides representing clients in several dispute settlement proceedings. She has an extensive experience at execution of FIDIC based contracts concluded with Turkish state entities as well as with the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela and Iran. Her fields of expertise also include providing consultancy to and representation of international companies at public tenders in the Republic of Turkey. Yasemin serves as the President of the DRBF Region 2 Board of Directors and is a member of the DRBF Executive Board. |
Andrea Chao is a partner at international law firm Bird & Bird, based in Amsterdam. She focusses on advising employers & contractors on the construction and procurement of complex construction projects. Andrea chairs FIDIC Task Group 17, which is tasked by the FIDIC Contracts Committee to prepare a collaborative contract as a new addition to the FIDIC suite of contracts. She has co-drafted the Dutch collaborative early contractor involvement model contract DG2020, since its launch used to delivery hundreds of projects with a value of several Bn (also available in English). Furthermore, she is a board member of the Dutch Society for Construction Law. |
Enzo de Laurentiis is an international consultant with over 30 years of experience specializing in all aspects of public sector procurement including almost 26 years in management and leadership positions at the World Bank (the Bank). Until November 30, 2023, Mr. de Laurentiis was the Bank’s Chief Procurement Officer. Previously, he served as Manager of the Procurement Policy Unit, where he was responsible for rolling out a major procurement reform for the Bank, as a Practice Manager in the Governance Global Practice, and as the Regional Procurement Manager for the East Asia and Pacific and the Latin America and Caribbean Regions of the Bank. Prior to joining the Bank in 1998, Mr. de Laurentiis was Projects Director and later Vice President of an international consulting firm providing advisory services on procurement to Multilateral Development Banks, countries and the private sector. Mr. de Laurentiis has been a member of the adjunct faculty at American University Washington College of Law in Washington, D.C., from 1992 to 2004, teaching international contracts and international procurement law. He is a current member of the Scientific Committee of the International Master’s in Public Procurement Management and the Strategic Committee of the Bachelor’s Degree in Global Governance at Tor Vergata Uiversity of Rome. He is also a Board Member of FIDIC Credentialing Limited (FCL). Mr. de Laurentiis holds a law degree (Dottore in Giurisprudenza) from the University of Trieste in Italy and a Masters of Laws (LL.M.) in International Legal Studies from American University Washington College of Law.
William Elledge |
Ismail Essa 40 years in the Construction Industry. Started work in 1980 as a Trainee engineer at Savage and Lovemore (Tvl.) PTY LTD. IN 1984 was appointed a Site Agent , appointed a Contracts manager in 1993 and a Contracts Director in 1995. Savage and Lovemore was merged into the Roads division of Group 5 in 1995 .Left in 2001 to join SANRAL as a Senior Project Manager . Project managed the Bakwena Toll Highway(N1/N4) in that time .In 2004 appointed as the Regional Manager of the Northern region until 2017 .During 2007 to 2012 oversaw the roll out of the GFIP. Appointed as the SANRAL Head of Transformation in 2017 and continue to manage this to date. . SAICE Associate Member: Since 1984 |
Randy Essex is a tunneling and risk management consultant with more than 45 years’ experience providing planning, design, construction engineering, and disputes resolution services for underground construction projects. He has a B.S. degree in Geomechanics from the U. of Rochester, two Master’ degrees in Civil and Geotechnical Engineering from the U. of California, Berkeley, and is a registered Professional Engineer in multiple states. His experience includes more than 190 underground projects in 30 states across the U.S., as well as Australia, Canada, Chile, Guatemala, Indonesia, Malaysia, Mexico, New Zealand, Peru, and Singapore. A former Vice President with the International Tunnelling Association, he is a Member of the Moles and an honorary Member of the Beavers having received their 2016 Golden Beaver Award for Engineering. Among his 50 publications are three ASCE guidelines on Geotechnical Baseline Reports (1997, 2007, and 2022 editions) and the 2023 CIRIA C807 guideline for GBRs in the UK. Randy’s workshop will focus on the role, purpose, and application of GBRs in construction contracting, with perspectives relevant to agencies and Owners, engineering firms and contractors, and Dispute Review Board members |
Ginger Evans served as Director of Aviation for two of the nation’s top
performing airports: Denver International and O’Hare/ Midway International Airports and served as Vice President of Engineering for Metropolitan Washington Airports Authority. In the private sector, she managed numerous airport capital programs at 15 US airports, 2 Canadian airports, Lisbon, Quito, Mexico City, Hamad International, Abu Dhabi, and Al Duqqam. Transit projects include: Dulles Silver Line, MTA Oversight, MIA Mover, DIA light rail station, and HIA Dopplemayr. Ginger Evans is a nationally recognized leader in transportation and technology innovation. For JFK New Terminal One, she negotiated a groundbreaking Master Systems Integration agreement with top airport systems providers that will support operations with the highest levels of customer service, sustainability performance, efficient operating expenses and business intelligence. During COVID, CAG organized the AAAE Airport Consortium on Consumer Trust (ACT) an industry response to develop and share best practices. Ginger developed ACT working groups to perform pilots and publish white papers in support of overall industry recovery and improved operations. She serves on the Executive Committee of Transportation Research Board and is one of only two industry leaders recognized twice by Engineering News Record for a leading contribution to the industry (1994 for DIA and 2019 for ORD). She has served as advisor two private equity funds in Mexico for over ten years. In 2022, she was given the Award of Excellence from the Airport Consultants Council. She also serves as Chief Strategy Officer for Carlyle Airports Group, based in Washington DC.
Ronald A (Ron) Finlay, AM, is Past President of the DRBF Executive Board. In his professional life, Ron is an infrastructure specialist and the chief executive of his own consulting business, Finlay Consulting, and a sole practitioner trading as R.A. Finlay, Lawyer. He has over 40 years’ experience in property, construction, development and infrastructure projects. This includes a number of significant roles as project manager, lead negotiator or facilitator of major infrastructure projects in Australia and overseas for both public and private sector organisations. In 2003, Ron was one of the founders of the DRBF Chapter now known as Region 3. He has been the Secretary and Executive Board member of Region 3 since 2003, has been an active promoter of the use of Dispute Boards in Australasia and has served on over 16 Dispute Boards (most as chair). In 2014 he received the Al Mathews Award for Dispute Board Excellence, the DRBF's highest honor. Further, in 2015 he received membership of the Order of Australia for services to law in relation to the infrastructure industry and dispute avoidance and resolution. |
Doug Fraser is the Caribbean Development Bank’s Head of Procurement and manages the Procurement Policy Unit within the Bank’s Projects Department based in Barbados. Doug holds an MBA in Procurement and Strategy and is a full member of the Chartered Institute of Purchasing and Supply (CIPS). He has more than 20 years of experience as an international procurement specialist and has worked on a wide variety of procurement assignments across Asia, Africa, Europe and the Americas for a range of multi-lateral and bi-lateral financing institutions, foundations, NGOs and private sector clients. He has previously been based in long term roles in Cambodia, Japan, the Philippines, the UK and Vietnam.
Andrea Galhardo Palma has been a civil law judge since 2000 and currently presides over the 2nd Regional Corporate, Insolvency, and Arbitration Court in Sao Paolo City, overseeing 29 cities throughout Sao Paolo State. She possesses extensive experience in handling cases related to general contracts, tort law, corporate law, construction law, insolvency and recovery, public contracts, and the procedural aspects of arbitration proceedings. Andrea holds a law degree from the University of Sao Paolo (FDUSP), an LLM in International Commercial Arbitration from the University of Pennsylvania (Penn State), and has specialized in International Commercial Arbitration at Columbia University and in Arbitration at FGV University. In 2019, she earned a certification in anti-corruption law from LEC - Legal Ethics and Compliance. She is a frequent guest speaker at national and international conferences and is a Fellow of the Chartered Institute of Arbitrators (FCIArb). She is also a member of the Brazilian Arbitration Committee (CBAr), the International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) arbitration working group, the North America Branch of the Society of Construction Law (SCL), and the Dispute Resolution Board Foundation (DRBF). Andrea is Brazilian, fluent in Portuguese, English, and Italian, and has reading proficiency in Spanish. |
Jeremy Glover is a partner at Fenwick Elliott LLP, the UK’s largest construction law firm and is listed as a leader in his field in Who’s Who Legal. A practising DB member, in the UK, Jeremy is an accredited adjudicator, Vice-President of the Conflict Avoidance Coalition, and a member of the CIArb Adjudication Sub-Committee. He is also a FIDIC Certified Adjudicator, Member of the FIDIC President’s List and of the Net Zero Task Group TG23. Jeremy is the co-author of Understanding the FIDIC Red and Yellow Book: A Clause by Clause Commentary, the third edition of which was published in 2018, and lead editor of Building Contract Disputes: Practice and Precedents. He is a member of the Board of Examiners on the Construction Law MSc programme at King’s College, and also teaches on the MSc Building Information Modelling Management Programme at Middlesex University. Jeremy serves as the President-Elect of the DRBF Executive Board. |
Nicholas Gould, BSc (Hons), LL.M., FRICS, FCIArb, MCIOB, is Past President of the Executive Board of the Dispute Resolution Board Foundation and a partner in the specialist construction, engineering and energy lawyers Fenwick Elliott LLP, where he conducts a mix of international dispute resolution and non-contentious work. He is a solicitor-advocate, chartered surveyor, accredited adjudicator and CEDR Chambers lead mediator. He acts for contractors, employers and governments in the building, construction, engineering, infrastructure, transport, energy, oil and gas, and process engineering sectors. Dispute resolution experience spans litigation, arbitration (domestic and international), adjudication, DAB/DRB, mediation, early neutral evaluation and expert determination. He regularly acts as lead mediator in multi-party multi- million disputes. Nicholas is a certified adjudicator and sits on international dispute boards and as arbitrator. Chamber & Partners 2011 notes Nicholas for his “ability to pre-empt potential problems and provide advice in a clear manner that maintains the individual needs of clients”. Legal 500, 2011 edition list Nicholas as a leading figure for Construction and Mediation who is “extremely knowledgeable and listens carefully to his clients”. The IBA’s 2008 and 2013 editions of International Who’s Who of Business Lawyers Today listed Nicholas as one of the “ten most highly regarded individuals internationally for construction law” and the IBA’s Who’s Who Legal 2015 listed Nicholas in the top five in Europe. |
Shan Greer is an international arbitrator and mediator associated with Arbitra International in London. Taking the helm as Chief Executive Officer at the BVI International Arbitration Centre in January 2023, she brings over two decades of unparalleled expertise to the forefront of the industry. With a specialized focus on construction law, Shan Greer is celebrated for her pragmatic and commercially astute approach, consistently guiding clients through a myriad of transactions and disputes. Her extensive track record spans diverse jurisdictions in the Caribbean, Europe, and North America, showcasing her versatility and proficiency in handling intricate legal matters. Educated at Kings College London with a Master's degree in Construction Law and Dispute Resolution, Shan Greer holds dual qualifications as a barrister and solicitor in England, alongside admissions to practice in Saint Lucia, Saint Vincent, and Belize. Regularly sought after as an arbitrator, adjudicator, and mediator, Shan Greer's expertise extends to ad hoc, institutional, international, and domestic arbitrations, bridging civil and common law jurisdictions with her insightful perspective and unwavering commitment to equitable resolution. |
Andy Griffiths is an independent dispute resolution practitioner based in Johannesburg, South Africa. A civil engineer by profession, Andy also holds a Higher Diploma in Arbitration (Specialising in construction law). He is a Member of the FIDIC President’s List of Approved Dispute Adjudicators, as well as the SAICE and CESA President’s List of Arbitrators, Mediators and Adjudicators, and the ICE-SA Panel of NEC Adjudicators. Andy has acted in over 70 disputes involving Dispute Boards, either as a DB member or as the Engineer, and has also acted as Adjudicator, Mediator or Arbitrator on over 50 other disputes. In his near 40-year engineering career, Andy was intimately involved in the design, planning and project management of some of Southern Africa's largest projects, such as the Mokolo-Crocodile Water Augmentation Project, the Berg River Dam and Pipeline, the 110km VRESAP pipeline, Durban Harbour Tunnel, and the Lesotho Highlands Water Project : the 185 metre high Katse Dam, the 45km Transfer Tunnel, the 32km Mohale Tunnel, and the Matsoku Weir and Tunnel. He is a Registered Professional Engineer (RSA), a Chartered Engineer (UK), a Fellow of the South African Institute of Civil Engineers, a Fellow of the Institution of Civil Engineers (UK), and a Fellow of the Association of Arbitrators (Southern Africa). He is immediate Past-President of the Dispute Resolution Board Foundation (DRBF) Executive Board. |
Chiyo Haoka is Director of Loan Procurement Policy and Supervision Division, Infrastructure Engineering Department of Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA), supervising procurement under Japanese Official Development Assistance loan projects in all regions over the world. |
David Kassebaum is an Assistant General Counsel at the Millennium Challenge Corporation (MCC). He advises MCC teams on how to address and resolve legal issues associated with program development, including conducting diligence on country proposals, compact negotiation and compact implementation. Mr. Kassebaum works closely with U.S. and local counsel in drafting and negotiating Millennium Challenge Compacts with eligible countries, as well as in preparing, reviewing and implementing the supplemental agreements and legal documents associated with the disbursement of funds. He currently has responsibility for several eligible countries, including Belize, Indonesia, Mongolia, Mozambique, Niger, and Timor-Leste. Prior to joining MCC, Mr. Kassebaum was a senior associate with the international law firm of Hogan Lovells, where he practiced as a member of the firm’s project finance group, representing clients in transactions involving the development, construction and acquisition of energy and infrastructure projects in developing countries as well as in the United States. His areas of expertise are in engineering, procurement and construction contracts, especially for wind power generation projects, as well as financing, acquisition and operation agreements regarding renewable and alternative energy projects. Mr. Kassebaum received his J.D. from Columbia Law School as a Stone Scholar. He has a M.A. (with distinction) in International Peace and Conflict Resolution from American University and a B.A. (with honors) in Political Science from the University of California at Berkeley. |
Alya Ladjimi is a French and Tunisian qualified lawyer, currently heading the ICC International Centre for ADR that administers ICC amicable dispute resolution services including dispute boards, expertise and mediation. Before joining the Centre, Alya worked with the ICC International Court of Arbitration as Deputy Counsel for several years, during which, she managed hundreds of ICC arbitration proceedings. She also previously practiced law, specializing in civil and commercial litigation. |
Roberto Laguado is part of the Interamerican Development Bank’s procurement team and currently supervises the procurement of works financed by this Bank in Argentina. For the past 15 years Roberto has worked in the Region of Latin American and the Caribbean focusing on developing strategic plans to enhance and strengthen capacities of public buyers with special focus in countries such as Bolivia, Colombia, Peru, Jamaica, Argentina, Brazil, El Salvador, Nicaragua, Panama and Dominican Republic. Currently, Roberto supervises the fiduciary procurement implementation of IADBs portfolio in Argentina, of around US$12 billion and contracts of nearly US$2 billion per year. Among his latest tasks in Argentina is supporting IADB borrowers in implementing the use of FIDIC contract conditions and Dispute Boards in 40 projects of Roads, Energy and Water and Sanitation sectors. Roberto holds a LLM from Warwick University in England and graduate studies in public, commercial and international law. |
Ray LaHood served as the 16th Secretary of Transportation from 2009
to 2013. In nominating him, President Obama said, “Few understand our infrastructure challenge better than the outstanding public servant that I’m asking to lead the Department of Transportation.” As Secretary of Transportation, LaHood led an agency with more than 55,000 employees and a $70 billion budget, and was responsible for overseeing all air, maritime and surface transportation modes. During his tenure, safety was LaHood’s number one priority and he is best known for his pioneering work to fight distracted driving. Apart from Secretary LaHood’s achievements at the helm of the Department of Transportation, he has set an example for bipartisanship and leadership in Washington. As a lifelong Republican, Secretary LaHood worked across party lines and frequently reminded partisans that, “there is no such thing as a Democratic road or a Republican bridge.” Before becoming Secretary of Transportation, LaHood served from 1995-2009 in the U.S. House of Representatives from the 18th District of Illinois, the same district once served by President Abraham Lincoln. In Congress, he served on the House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee and, after that, on the House Appropriations Committee. Prior to his election to the House, he served as Chief of Staff to U.S. House Republican Leader Robert Michel, whom he succeeded in representing the 18th District, and as District Administrative Assistant to Congressman Thomas Railsback. He also served in the Illinois State Legislature.
Karen Layng is the CEO of M.A.I.T. Co., a strategic legal consulting firm in the construction and engineering industries and former Shareholder and Board Member of the international law firm, Vedder Price, Chair of its trial and construction practice areas, and Chief Strategy Officer and G.C. of Scheck Industries. She is a licensed arbitrator and mediator, member of the AAA Board of Directors and the Northwestern University Industry Advisory Board and Adjunct Professor in the College of Engineering’s M.S. in Executive Management in Design Construction program, and serves on Dispute Resolution Boards. She was the first woman president of the 7th Circuit Bar Association and the immediate past National President of the Girl Scouts of the USA. Among her many awards and honors, Karen recently received the University of Illinois Alumni Association’s 2023 Comeback Illini Achievement Award, the College of Economics 2021 Social Impact Alumni Award, and was named to Crain's 2022 Notable Nonprofit Board Leaders list.
Diana Levy, DBIA, PMP is a Senior Director with Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority’s Department of Infrastructure. Mrs. Levy brings over 18 years of experience managing complex energy and infrastructure projects for private and public sectors. In her current role Diana is responsible for planning, design, and construction of some of the Metro’s largest construction projects with a total value of over $1.5B. Mrs. Levy led formation of Metro’s New Construction department, spearheading use of Progressive Design-Build delivery method. During her tenure with Metro Diana led execution of Metro’s newest Potomac Yard Metrorail station, an infill station south of the National Airport opened in May 2023. In addition, Diana manages reconstruction of Metro’s two oldest and historic bus operation and maintenance facilities. Once constructed these bus O&M facilities will be the first two facilities to store and operate Metro’s Battery Electric Buses. In 2021 Diana was recognized by Mass Transit magazine’s 40 under 40 for her efforts to advance complex rebuild projects from development into construction. Diana is a graduate of ENO’s Transit Senior Executive Program. Mrs. Levy holds a BA in International Economic Relationships, MBA and a Master of Science in Project Management.
Oskar Ljungqvist is a consulting engineer based in Dubai UAE serving various stakeholders on projects across Europe, Africa and the Middle East. He is an experienced professional with expertise in contract and claims management. His skillset encompasses contract administration, delay and disruption costs, forensic delay analysis, project planning and project management. Instructs forensic delay analysis modules for Masters Programme at Milan Polytechnic Institute. Oskar is a member of the DRBF since 2018, as well as the other professional organisations such as the SCL and the AACEi. Over the last 5 years he has been extensively involved in adjudication and arbitration proceedings on multibillion Euro disputes. He graduated with BS and MS Degrees in Civil Engineering and Hydraulics from the Lund Institute of Technology in Sweden. His began his career in engineering and construction in 2006 in Ethiopia. |
Luis Martinez is Vice President of the International Centre for Dispute Resolution, (ICDR) the international division of the American Arbitration Association, (AAA) and is an Honorary President of the Inter-American Commercial Arbitration Commission, (IACAC). As the Vice President of the ICDR located in New York, he serves as an integral part of the ICDR's international strategy team and is responsible for international arbitration and mediation business development for the East Coast of the United States (from Maine to Florida), Central and South America, the Caribbean, Spain and Portugal. Mr. Martinez is also responsible for case administration of international cases that focus on Latin America out of the ICDR-AAA’s Miami office. Mr. Martinez received a Bachelor’s Degree from Georgian Court College and a Juris Doctor degree from St. John's University School of Law. He has had numerous articles published on international arbitration and has appeared as a speaker in programs throughout the world. Mr. Martinez is admitted to practice law in the State of New York and the State of New Jersey. He is a dual citizen of Spain and the United States. |
James Morrison is currently the Chief Technical Officer for the Gateway Development Commission, Jim leads the development and procurement of over $16B of rail infrastructure construction upgrading the US Northeast Corridor rail transportation network between New Jersey and New York, including twin tunnels beneath the Hudson River into Penn Station, NY. He brings over 40 years of engineering and management experience including tunnels, bridges, dams, hydroelectric, marine construction highways, deep excavations, transportation, water/sewer systems, and environmental management. As a leader, Jim has managed all aspects of project execution, with expertise in design-build and alternate delivery programs. He is a technical expert in geotechnical engineering, earth retaining systems, deep foundation systems, and tunneling technology. Jim has led expert review teams, design teams, quality review teams, forensic evaluation teams, expert panel review teams responsible for both quality assurance and forensic troubleshooting, and Dispute Review Boards. |
Livia de Senne Badaró Mubarak, an attorney in Sao Paolo, specializes in Corporate Law and Arbitration. She holds a specialization in Arbitration Law from the International Academy for Arbitration Law in Paris. |
Frank Mvula is a citizen of Zambia currently employed as Director Fiduciary (Procurement and Financial Management) Services and Inspection since October 2018, has over 20 years wealth of experience in Procurement, Water and Sanitation, Infrastructure Development and Project Management. He is currently responsible for development and implementation of Fiduciary policies.
He served as Country Manager for African Development Bank in Malawi, from 2017 – 2018. In this role, he led policy dialogue with the Malawian government and other development partners. From 2014 – 2017 he was the Division Manager for the Procurement Division, supervising a team of over fifty Procurement Professionals across the continent. He led the fiduciary oversight of the Bank Group’s portfolio and provided advisory services to Senior Management on policy, strategy and a broad range of procurement issues relating to Bank’s operations across sectors. From 2009 to 2013, he worked as the Chief Regional Procurement Coordinator, in East and Southern Africa spearheading procurement reforms. He joined the Africa Development Bank in 2003 as Senior Architect/Implementation Specialist in the Human and Social Development Department. Prior to joining the African Development Bank, Mr. Mvula worked at the Lusaka Water and Sewerage Company as Director, Commercial Services in 2003, as Projects Manager/Senior Engineer between 1998 and 2003, and as a Graduate Engineer between 1995 and 1996. He also worked as a Lecturer/Staff Development Fellow at the University of Zambia from 1996 – 1998. Mr. Mvula holds a Master’s Degree in Sanitary Engineering from the IHE Delft, Institute for Water Education, The Netherlands and a Bachelor of Engineering degree in Civil Engineering from the University of Zambia, Lusaka.
Renato Nazzini is a partner at LMS Legal LLP, London and Professor of Law at King's College London, where he is also the Director of the Centre of Construction Law and Dispute Resolution. An experienced arbitrator and counsel in international arbitration, he has a wide industry knowledge, particularly in construction, oil and gas, infrastructure, and IT and digital. A dually qualified English Solicitor and Italian Advocate, he understands and navigates the different approaches across common law and civil law jurisdictions and is able to resolve effectively and pragmatically complex substantive and procedural problems. Aware of the multi-cultural dimension of many international disputes, he has worked across Europe, Africa, Asia and America as counsel, arbitrator (both as president of the tribunal and co-arbitrator) and expert witness. He is a member of the ICC Arbitration and ADR Commission, Italy, a member of the ICC Task Force on Dealing with Corruption Issues in International Arbitration and a Fellow of the Chartered Institute of Arbitrators. Renato has also substantial experience in EU law, regulation and competition law, having served for seven years as a lawyer and then Deputy Director of the Legal and Policy Department at the UK competition authority and as a member of the ICC Task Force on Arbitrating Competition Law Issues. In his academic capacity, Renato published six books and more than eighty articles and book chapters on international arbitration or competition law and is General Co-editor or member of the editorial board of four leading international journals. He has been Visiting Professor at the University of Turin, the University of Zurich, and FGV of San Paulo, Brazil. He holds two PhDs, one from the University of London and another from the University of Milan. |
James (Jim) Perry is a member of the District of Columbia Bar (1985) and has a bachelor’s degree in civil engineering (1981). Based in Paris since 1988, and focused on construction, Jim serves as an arbitrator and dispute board member, but also works as counsel, specializing in the construction industry. In 2003 Jim opened PS Consulting, a founding member of the Leading Construction Lawyers International Alliance (LCL). Jim has served on numerous dispute boards, including in the Baltics, Central Europe, Central Asia, Africa, SE Asia, Australasia and the Middle East and Latin America and been appointed on ICC, DIAC, ADCCAC, CEPANI, VIAC and ad hoc arbitral tribunals. Jim has experience with dam construction, bridges, port terminals and marine construction, airports, highways, water supply and treatment, hydro and thermal power plants, oil and gas, rail, factories and the built environment. Jim is member of the FIDIC President’s list of dispute board adjudicators and a Past-president of the Dispute Resolution Board Foundation (DRBF). Jim received the Al Mathews Award for Dispute Board Excellence in 2016, the DRBF's highest honor. |
Marcela Radovic is an attorney with more than 18 years of experience in contractual and claim management in construction industry in Chile and other countries in Latin America, focusing mainly in the mining, energy, retail and public infrastructure sectors. She is Founder and Director of Chilean Society of Construction Law and has earned a master’s degree in Regulation at London School of Economics University. Marcela is also a Professional Coach and Candidate for a Master's Degree in Coaching and Leadership from Barcelona University. Concerning her teaching experience, Marcela is Professor of “Magister de la Construcción” of the Engineer Faculty of Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, Professor of Universidad de Los Andes in Construction Law and Professor of Universidad de Talca in Construction Law. She has been a member of Dispute Resolution Board Foundation since 2009 and serves as the DRBF's Representative for Chile. She has also been a member of International Bar Association since 2014. |
Sir Vivian Ramsey studied engineering science and economics at Oxford. He worked for Ove Arup and Partners in London and Libya and qualified as a chartered civil engineer. He is now a Fellow of the Institution of Civil Engineers and also a Fellow of the Royal Academy of Engineering. He studied law in London and was called to the bar at Middle Temple, commencing practice as a barrister in 1981. He became a QC in 1992 and was head of Keating Chambers, London. He was appointed as a High Court judge in 2005 and was judge in charge of the UK Technology and Construction Court. In 2015 he retired and was appointed as an International Judge in the Singapore International Commercial Court. He also acts as an international arbitrator, mediator and dispute board member worldwide. He is a Visiting Professor at King’s College, London and edits Keating on Construction Contracts, now in its 11th Edition. He has received a number of awards, including an Honorary DSc from the University of Westminster and FIDIC’s Louis Prangey Award in 2023. |
DeAndra Roaché is the Founder and President of Cynergis Dispute Resolution Services, an alternative dispute resolution services company that specializes in arbitration, mediation, facilitation, conflict resolution training, conflict management program design, conflict coaching and consulting located in the Washington, DC Metropolitan Area. Ms. Roaché is also a professional independent neutral concentrating in arbitration, mediation and fact-finding of various disputes such as construction, labor, employment, maritime and other business disputes. In addition to an active arbitration and mediation practice, Ms. Roaché is an adjunct professor at the University of Arizona’s James E. Rogers College of Law where she teaches mediation. She co-chairs the International Institute of Conflict Prevention and Resolution’s Dispute Resolution Board (DRB) Identification of Neutrals and DRB Training Development working groups. She works with companies, court systems and individuals in various industries to assist with their conflict prevention, conflict resolution and conflict management needs. She is a DRB member with the Florida Department of Transportation. As an ADR Construction Specialist, Ms. Roaché has moderated a panel on Using DRBs to Prevent and Resolve Disputes on P3 Projects at the Maryland State Bar Association’s Legal Summit in May 2021. In August 2022, she was a guest speaker at the Global Collaborative Law Council's Advanced Civil Collaborative Law Conference at the University of Nebraska College of Law where she spoke on Designing Collaborative Conflict Prevention & Resolution Systems on a panel entitled "What Businesses Need to Resolve Conflict Well". |
Kenneth M. Roberts is Chair of the Construction Law Group at the law firm of Venable, LLP in Chicago. Mr. Roberts obtained his B.A. degree from the University of Iowa (1982) and his J.D. degree from the University of Iowa College of Law (1985). He has been an adjunct professor at Northwestern University’s Department of Civil Engineering Graduate Program since 2012. Mr. Roberts concentrates his practice in the field of construction law, project controls and procurement contracts. He engages in a range of services from preparation of and negotiation of contracts, project controls monitoring and advice during ongoing projects, negotiation of change orders and contract additions, alternate dispute resolution through mediation, arbitration, dispute review boards, and when necessary, litigation. |
Ann Russo is Executive Director of the Dispute Resolution Board Foundation, the non-profit association dedicated to the use of Dispute Review Boards worldwide. She is co-editor of the Dispute Board Manual: A Guide to Best Practices and Procedures. Prior to joining the DRBF, she served as Public Relations Manager for J.A. Jones, Inc., an international construction and engineering firm based in Charlotte, NC, USA. She received the DRBF's President’s Distinguished Service Award in 2005. |
Denis Serkin is a partner, chair of Peckar & Abramson’s International Practice, and vice chair of the firm’s IT committee. He focuses his practice on construction law, representing construction managers and general contractors in transactional matters, through project construction, and in the resolution of disputes through litigation, arbitration, and mediation. Denis regularly assists clients in a number of market segments, including construction management, general and EPC contracting, power/energy, and infrastructure. He is an Adjunct Associate Professor at Columbia University in the Department of Civil Engineering and Engineering Mechanics where he teaches a course in Prevention and Resolution of Construction Disputes. Prior to entering the legal profession, Denis was a project engineer at a government agency, where he managed numerous projects through design to procurement and construction. |
Joe Seibold’s combined years of leadership and experience in construction management and claims allow him unique insight into each project. Throughout his almost 50 years of experience, he has served as a Construction Manager and Claims Expert on a variety of public works projects such as water supply and wastewater treatment facilities; airport facilities, highways, and bridges; ports, railways, and transit; healthcare facilities; public/institutional buildings; and hotels, and casinos/entertainment facilities. Mr. Seibold has provided expert testimony on behalf of owners, designers, contractors, and construction managers including testimony regarding the standard of care for construction management practices. His experience includes the evaluation and calculation of construction-related delay and disruption damages on hundreds of projects. He has participated in all forums of dispute resolution including mediation, Dispute Resolution Boards, arbitration, and litigation. His specific efforts have included providing assessments of potential exposure, recommending strategies to resolution, and providing expert testimony for both private and public sector owners, contractors, designers, and construction managers. In addition, he has authored and presented numerous articles regarding construction management, as well as claims analysis and resolution. |
Geoff Smith, Chartered Civil Engineer and Barrister, was a founding partner in PS Consulting in Paris. He has more than 40 years’ experience of international contracts management and dispute resolution. He has been closely involved in construction projects throughout the Asia/Pacific region, Central Asia, the Middle East, Africa and Europe. These have been in the fields of transport (both road & rail), tunnels & underground works, power generation and distribution, water treatment and supply, oil & gas, industrial installations, marine works, buildings (public, commercial, residential and leisure). He is a member of the FIDIC President’s List of Approved Disputes Adjudicators and has served on boards throughout Africa, Eastern Europe, Central, South and South East Asia. He is also an active mediator and arbitrator. He served as Chair of the DRBF Bank Liaison Committee for more than 10 years, is a past director of Region 2 and a member of its training and mentoring committees. He was awarded the Al Mathews Award for Dispute Board Excellence in 2021 and given the DRBF’s
Distinguished Service Award in 2022. He was an accredited trainer for FIDIC until recently and teaches International Construction Contracts at Université Paris II Panthéon-Assas, and Advanced Contracts Management at the University of Turin and the International Training Centre of the ILO.
Leonardo Toledo da Silva is a founding partner of Toledo Marchetti Advogados, the only law office in the country focused exclusively on the market of infrastructure and construction. Leonardo has also acted in arbitration procedures, either as an attorney or as an arbitrator, especially in disputes involving complex construction projects. Participated as a visiting scholar at the renowned teaching institution King's College London, from January to April 2023. He was the president of the Brazilian Institute of Construction Law (IBDiC) and a professor of construction law at FGV-SP. Leonardo has a law degree (LLB), a masters degree (LLM) and a doctorate degree (PhD) from the Faculty of Law of the University of São Paulo. |
Marcello Viglino is a chartered civil engineer who has been involved in large civil engineering projects around the world for over 26 years. He is currently head of the overseas Contracts Department at Webuild S.p.A, the largest Italian Contractor and one of the major players in the construction of large infrastructure projects around the world. As part of his role within Webuild Marcello’s activity concerns, amongst others, the management of international construction contracts and the settlement of any associated claim and/or dispute through negotiation, Dispute Board and Arbitration. Marcello studied civil engineering both in Italy and the UK where he also obtained an MSc in Construction Law & Dispute Resolution from the King’s College London. He is a visiting lecturer in Contract Management at the Milan Polytechnic, a chartered member of the Institution of Engineers in Italy, a member of the Dispute Resolution Board Foundation since 2006 and a member of the Italian Society of Construction Law. |
James Weier is the Chief Legal Officer at Soudah Development Company, a wholly owned subsidiary of the Public Investment Fund of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. He is an Illinois-licensed architect and an attorney with extensive contentious and non-contentious experience on high-value, high-profile and complex giga projects in the United States and the Middle East in both the public and private sectors. He has held C-suite in-house and private practice roles and possesses significant expertise in negotiating complex, high-risk, multi-party contracts for challenging infrastructure projects in the multi-use high-rise, ultra-luxury real estate and hospitality, and aviation sectors. He has proven track record in successfully resolving complex design and construction claims, all while preserving essential business relationships. |
Moussa Wone is the Vice President for the DC Water/Clean Rivers Project, also known as the Combined Sewer Overflow (CSO) Long Term Control Plan. Dr. Wone is responsible for implementing the project, which is designed to improve water quality in the District of Columbia (District) by controlling combined sewer overflows to our waterways. The project is one of the largest environmental projects in the District, spans 25 years and is federally mandated by a consent decree (CD). The Clean Rivers Project includes the planning, design, construction, and commissioning of major infrastructure including a system of more than 18 miles (29 km) of large tunnels along the Anacostia and
Potomac Rivers and Rock Creek, green infrastructure in the Rock Creek sewershed, and targeted sewer separation. The CSO discharges captured by Clean Rivers infrastructure will be conveyed to the Blue Plains Advanced Wastewater Treatment (BPAWWT) Facility for treatment and discharge into the Potomac River. In addition, Dr. Wone leads DC Water’s assessment of and response to various regulatory matters and studies. This includes assessments for various Total Maximum Daily Loads (TMDLs), i.e., nutrients, bacteria, metals, organics, and others; triennial review of water quality standards; National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) Permit reapplication, negotiation, and reissuance for BPAWWTP; the District’s combined sewer system and separate stormwater system, and pre- and post- construction monitoring. Dr. Wone leads a team responsible for modeling the combined sewer system in the District and receiving water modeling of the Anacostia and Potomac Rivers and Rock Creek in the District to predict compliance with water quality standards, the efficacy of controls, and the impacts of new standards. Before joining DC Water, Dr. Wone was the Engineer of Record and Lead Designer for the $330M Blue Plains Tunnel (BPT). That project was awarded the International Tunneling Association 2013 Award for Technical Innovation of the Year, the 2016 ENR Best of the Best Project Award and the 2016 DRBF Dispute Avoidance Project Award. During his tenure on the BPT, Dr. Wone oversaw the development of the durability requirements for the BPT structures that DC Water used as the technical justification basis for successfully securing a100-year Green Bond for the program. Dr. Wone has more than 30 years of engineering and leadership experience in both the public and private civil engineering sectors. He is a graduate of Ecole Nationale des Ponts et Chaussees (Paris, France). He is a licensed Professional Engineer and a Certified Design-Build Professional. Dr. Wone currently chairs the Owners’ Forum for both the Underground Construction Association of the Society of Mining Engineering (UCASME) and the Dispute Resolution Board Foundation (DRBF) for Water and Wastewater.
Charlie Zelle was appointed Chair of the Metropolitan Council by Governor Walz in January 2020. In this role Zelle oversees a 17-member policy-making board which has guided the strategic growth of the Twin Cities metro area for more than 50 years. The Met Council makes strategic investments and provides essential services that support regional economic vitality, including transit, wastewater treatment, regional parks, planning and affordable housing. Zelle has over 30 years of experience in transportation policy and operations, including serving as Commissioner of the Minnesota Department of Transportation from 2013-2019. In that capacity, he oversaw a multi-modal state transportation agency with an annual budget of more than $4 billion. Zelle serves as Chairman of Jefferson Lines, an intercity bus company with scheduled passenger routes in 14 heartland states from Minnesota to Arkansas. He held the position of President and CEO for more than 20 years before being appointed to the position of Commissioner by Governor Mark Dayton. Zelle has served as a board member of the American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO), served on its Executive Committee and was Chair of its Public Transportation Council. In addition, he has served as a member of the Executive Committee of the Transportation Research Board, Past President of the Mid America Association of State Transportation Officials (MAASTO) and Past Chair of the American Bus Association (ABA) Board of Directors. Zelle has served on numerous civic boards and has been the chair of the following organizations: Guthrie Theater, Meet Minneapolis, Minneapolis Regional Chamber of Commerce, Jerome Foundation, Camargo Foundation, St. Paul Academy and the Minneapolis Club. He received a BA from Bates College and an MBA from the Yale School of Management. |